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We invite you to an evening in exploring the Highland Park Single Malt, presented by the Highland Park Ambassador, Nkululeko “Dada” Maseko @ Bottega Parkhurst, 22d 4th Avenue, Parkhurst on Tuesday, 19th June, 2018 at 6,30pm for 7.00pm.

You will be tasting the following:-

* Highland Park 10 Year 
* Highland Park 12 Year
* Highland Park 18 Year
* Highland Park Valkyrie

Please book ASAP only 30 seats available, R550,00 for tasting, 3 course meal & gratuity for waiter (excluding extra drinks). Will need to make payment in order to secure your seat.

RSVP or call and speak to Sav/Franca/Farai on 011 447 4448

** BUY A BOTTLE OF HIGHLAND PARK AND STAND A CHANCE TO WIN 1 DOUBLE TICKET TO THE DINNER ON 19th JUNE, 2018 VALUED @ R1,100 (This includes 2 seats at the Highland Park Tasting, 3 course meal & gratuity for waiter – excluding extra drinks). Winner will be contacted on Tuesday morning, 19th June 2018.

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