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Dear Bottega Whiskey Club Members Bottega Invites you to an Exclusive Whisky Tasting Featuring a range of the That Boutique-y Whisky Company hosted by Jonathan Miles – Founder of Whisky Academy and Keeper of the Quaich @ Bottega Parkhurst, 22d 4th Avenue, Parkhurst on Tuesday, 27th August 2019 at 7pm for 7.30pm.   You will be tasting the following That Boutique-y Whisky:- 
* Allt-a-Bhainne 22 Years – Batch 5
* Blended Malt Scotch #1 23 Years – Batch 2
* Cambus 29 Years – Batch 7
* GlenAllachie 8 Years – Batch 2
* Aultmore 11 Years Pedro Ximenez Finish Please book ASAP only 30 seats available, R550 for tasting, 2 course meal & gratuity for waiter (excluding extra drinks). RSVP or call and speak to Sav/Franca/Farai on 011 447 4448.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity @ Bottega Parkhurst – Exclusively for our Bottega Whiskey Club Members!!  

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