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Sarpa Oro di Poli Grappa (40%)


Sarpa Oro di Poli Grappa 

“Sarpa” in Venetian language means “grape marc”, the raw material from which Grappa is obtained. Born in 1991, Sarpa Oro is patiently aged for many years in the underground cellars of the distillery, where there are nearly 4000 225 litre oak barriques.

Using the raw materials of Merlot and Cabernet with a flowing-steam distilled process (artisanal distillation) – Sarpa Oro is simply a perfect Grappa showcasing the great evolution of this spirit, from being a popular product to a symbol of Italy in the world.

Its aroma recalls a basket with exotic fruits, vanilla, almonds and toasted hazelnuts.

Sarpa Oro di Poli Grappa 

The aroma recalls a basket with exotic fruits, vanilla, almonds and toasted hazelnuts.

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