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Craigellachie 13 Year (46%)


Craigellachie 13 Year

One of the three official Craigellachie bottlings released in 2014, their 13 year old single malt Scotch whisky handsomely shows off the bold, robust character of the distillery’s output. Oodles of dynamic fruit notes with a distinctive current of smoke running through the middle. Single malt Craigellachie hasn’t been seen much outside of indie bottlings recently, so this is an ace return to our glasses from the distillery!

Region: Speyside

Nose: Apple orchards in bloom, slightly meaty, burnt popcorn, treacle tart.

Palate: Oily malt arrives first, followed by BBQ pineapple and summer berries. Pine nuts and almonds.

Finish: A very soft hint of sulphur hides behind biscuit and apple notes.

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