Tanqueray Blackcurrent Royale Gin
The Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale Gin 750ml is a sumptuous and bold new addition to the Tanqueray family. This luxurious liqueur is crafted with rich and juicy French blackcurrants, vanilla notes, and a hint of mystery, inspired by the travels of Charles Tanqueray. The perfect partner for tonic water, the Blackcurrant Royale is best enjoyed in a Copa glass full of ice, with a wedge of lemon and a handful of dark berries. Rich, decadent, and utterly unforgettable, let the Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale Gin 750ml take your taste buds on a journey to France.
Tanqueray Blackcurrent Royale Gin
Region: UK
Juicy ripe blackcurrant with the subtle sweetness of vanilla and a floral finish. Gin botanicals with complex fruity and floral noses.
Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale – a sumptuous, bold, and rich flavourful distilled gin. Inspired by the French heritage and travels of Charles Tanqueray, Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale is a blend of the boldness of Charles Tanqueray and the mystery and decadence of France.
Crafted with a Tanqueray London Dry gin base, luxurious, rich, juicy French blackcurrants and vanilla notes are elevated with an exotic mysterious twist of floral notes inspired by Black Orchids. It is ideally paired with a tonic in a Copa glass full of ice, a wedge of lemon and a bunch of dark berries.
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