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The Pogues (43%)


The Pogues injected the fury of punk into Irish folk music and gave the world the troubled, iconic, darkly romantic songwriter Shane MacGowan. Here Comes Everybody is a memoir written by founding member and accordion player James Fearnley, drawn from his personal experiences and the series of journals and correspondence he kept throughout the band’s career. Fearnley describes the coalescence of a disparate collection of vagabonds living in the squats of London’s Kings Cross, with, at its center, the charismatic MacGowan and his idea of turning Irish traditional music on its head. With beauty, lyricism, and great candor, Fearnley tells the story of how the band watched helplessly as their singer descended into a dark and isolated world of drugs and alcohol, and sets forth the increasingly desperate measures they were forced to take.

The Pogues Irish Whiskey is a unique blend of 50% 10-year single malt Irish whiskey aged in sherry oak casks and seven year old single malt Irish whiskey aged in bourbon oak casks and 50% four year Irish grain whiskey aged in bourbon oak casks.

The liquid has an aroma of malts and cracked nuts, with a sweet taste and a smooth, intense flavour. Notably, West Cork is Ireland’s only whiskey producer to malt its own barley, enabling exceptional precision and control over flavour profile.

Region: Irish

Aroma: With hints of sweet malt, honey, roasted nuts, chocolate

Flavours: Sweet taste and a smooth intense flavour

Character: Whiskey has as much character as the band and convinced

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